
30 September, 2023

Our Future.

The Zorganite Encumber wishes to apologise to the unfortunate zorganism's clan/clade/family for the unfortunate events of 27 Sept 2023, and to announce that in future, our communications will take place on The Zorganite Encumber News Zorgan. Again - we are terribly sorry that the Zorgan blogger was - not strong... 

In other news, this means that by going to the above link, you'll find another article, and a new article for today, meaning that you will have been graced with two for one. You lucky Zorganisms you!

The Sandal! Not the Encumber Cucumber!

24 September, 2023

Welcome to the Zorganite Encumber!

The Zorganite Encumber is an organization that existed only offline, in paper form. Then the advert that we'd originally submitted in letter form to a small local newspaper and paid for in perpetuity was finally ported to a classifieds database and finally became data. It was only a matter of time before this person who runs this blog decided to put the first reference to the Encumber online, unaware that the mind worm was what was really doing the typing. 

It was all so simple in the days of printed newspapers...

You are now encouraged to cause to have printed a suite of these "tee shirts" with the message 

"Join the Zorganite Encumber. By reading this, you already have."
and taking advantage of the "viral effect" to recruit newly-Encumbereds.We feel that the time has come.

Please price these "tee shirts" so that they reach widespread adoption and recruit members for us on a geometrically increasing basis. Please do not post images on these "tee shirts" of anything else, especially Zorgan's Sandal. We feel that the recruiting message has stood us in good stead for nearly a century now and still commands as much power as we require of it and should stand alone. And not in Comic Sans please.

Please also support this newly-Encumbered writer of this "blog" by joining their newsletter so that we may once again speak to all Zorganites when the time comes. Please also support this Encumbered faithful by donating using the links. We will communicate using this new data medium, stay tuned!

There will soon be many other imitators, but please remember that only this blog has Zorgan's Sandal! (This is not to be confused with Zorgan's Cucumber, which is something we shall never speak of again.

By reading this, you already have.

01 September, 2023

Just NewsCast Thoughts. #1

These are just random thoughts I have as I'm listening to the day's news podcasts. 

I have a gutter brain.


I provide this just as a series of brainfart notes taken as I listen to the news and switch between these and my other pursuits. The date will generally give a rough idea of what the News Of The Day was but there are generally no links to stuff. Old Skool online searching all the way folks!

These articles won't get announced because they happen as they happen and I don't want to clutter up my newsfeed with them. Also, they may get updated as I hear more news, they aren't a daily feature but more happen as I find time and commentworthy stuff in the news, but you will see them if you click the newspaper icon in the middle of the graphic above. From there you can subscribe to my once-a-week newsletter, or even *gasp* make a donation every now and then, or make a small monthly stipend to my work. It's always appreciated and goes towards keeping me writing and creating and Making and Sharing. Please do consider helping me with this.

And here are the news

Autonomous vehicle - whether you're in a bus or an airplane or a car driven by your friend/family, there are already a whole range of things we wouldn't do it a vehicle. Take your pick. 

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DVD if streaming services like Netflix drop DVDs then pirate P2P will become the mainstream way to review old series and shows, as they're the archivists and curators of such shows now. I predict a federated p2p series that will very quickly be deployed once it's shown  

They're making entertainment ephemeral. That in turn makes us more likely to accept the gaslighting in the news that is mainstream media retconning. 

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Experts blaming delay in delivering renewables - it was the energy companies ditching expensive-to-maintain fossil fuel plant and NOT installing renewables because it would dent their fabulous record profits. Bastards. Greedy bastardss. That is all. Fuck retconning the last few years. 

And that failure started with the LNP not the Albanese govt. We'll be feeling the damage wrought by the LNP for deceades to come. They never thought further than their pockets and their pocket-adjacent dicks, so renewables were quietly hamstrung and delayed and canned, while fossil fuel projects were lauded and boosted and ensconced for years to come. All because Scott Morrison liked having his pocket-adjacents fondled by people with real power. 

(Yes, ALL his pocket-adjacent parts, that he took upon himself in a criminal action to try and stay in office so his pocket genitalia would get a good hard long makeover. Luckily for Australia, it didn't work and he's still a limp-dick loser. Unluckily for Australia, he's still clinging stubbornly to the hope that he can retcon (== gaslight) his way back into the Fondling Chair he once held.)

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In fact, the whole damn world has discovered retconning. COVID is rampaging five to ten times as much and causing a hundredfold increase in COVID-related illnesses and diseases as the intitial lockdown pandemic stages but now not waering masks (and voluntary slow suicide by disease) are condoned on the basis that we're not easily able to access statistics so everything's better. Right? 

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These articles won't get announced because they happen as they happen and I don't want to clutter up my newsfeed with them. Also, they may get updated as I hear more news, they aren't a daily feature but more happen as I find time and commentworthy stuff in the news, but you will see them if you click the newspaper icon in the middle of the graphic above. From there you can subscribe to my once-a-week newsletter, or even *gasp* make a donation every now and then, or make a small monthly stipend to my work. It's always appreciated and goes towards keeping me writing and creating and Making and Sharing. Please do consider helping me with this.

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