
10 August, 2022

WATER Is Unsafe

Rainwater Is Now Unsafe

Quick note for the old memory files. PFAS (the forever chemical that seemingly knows no bounds) in rainwater is now measured in unsafe concentrations in rainwater everywhere on Earth

I'm going to presume that distillation is still good, but it's a bit of a blow if you were figuring on being a survivalist. After all, the rain cycle drives all water flowing on the planet. and while the article makes a distinction between developed and underdeveloped countries: 

"Although in the industrial world we don’t often drink rainwater, many people around the world expect it to be safe to drink and it supplies many of our drinking water sources.

- I can't. I refer to this and this and it seems that it's not easy to remove PFASs from water without major filtering. So how is the water I drink (and which fell as rain - contaminated with PFAS - and then collected in the water supply dam) any less contaminated than the rainwater? 

Have you ever seen a 4 hectare-sized activated carbon filter in your town's water supply? Or a warehouse-sized ion separator gizmo? I sure as hell haven't... 

We do use a filter jug to make clean drinking water but now I might have to make enough for cooking as well . . . 


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