
18 May, 2023

Dust. It isn't fattening. It's deadly.

Please feel free to sign this petition

They say it's a "...debilitating and sometimes fatal but preventable lung disease..." but what they don't say is that it's also incurable, just like asbestosis and mesothelioma. 

They also don't say that it's a dust we shouldn't even be creating, nor that other dust can also cause lung diseases, nor that the environment does depend on this latter, non-man-made, dust because it's in the form of dust that microbes and other organisms are able to absorb the nutrients, but all these things are true too.

So yes - do sign the petition because it may save someone from a lifetime of crippling disability and misery. But also remember all the other things about our planet that we should be balancing and managing better. 

Be Earthlings! And keep the bastards honest!

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